Bring your little ones out for some fun and fitness that’s reserved especially for them!
New Bern Gymnastics is excited to offer a special “open play” time for preschool ages walking-5.
There will be NBG staff stationed around various parts of the gym. Children MUST be accompanied by a parent for safe play with their children.
Preschool Open Gyms take place on Tuesdays from 10-11am, and Fridays from 1-2pm for the School Year. The School Year Open Gyms will end on June 3rd. We are closed on holidays. As of April 1st we will only accept online sign ups.
Summer Preschool Open Gyms will run Saturdays from 10-11am. These open gyms will run June11th-August 20th.
To register
Sign into your account on our customer portal at the bottom of the page.
Go to the Proshop tab,
Select the pass that corresponds to your event,
purchase online.
Don’t stop here!
Return to My Account,
click the passes icon under your child's name
select “use punch pass”
Click on the date box to choose the date of your desired event.
Tap class,
and push “punch in”.
$8.00 for 1 punch pass, or buy a 10 punch card for $72 per child