Thank you for your interest in The Big Shot Drive-Thru! There are a couple of things you need to know...
One ticket admits one car. Additional signed copies of Jeff's books will be available for purchase at the event.
All books will be pre-signed. Do to health restrictions, there will be personalization at this event.
Jeff is happy to take socially distanced photos with fans. A staffer will take photos of each family with Jeff. During the photo, families will remain inside their car with windows rolled down and Jeff will remain outside the car.
All attendees must stay in their car at all times during the event, no exceptions.
Grab the whole family and Wimpify your car so it's ready to roll through The Big Shot Drive-Thru! Decorations and signs are HIGHLY encouraged. The family with the best-decorated car will win a boxed set of Awesome Friendly books.
For more detials & ticket information visit Click Here