Come out to the Beach Access (bathhouse) parking lot at Fort Macon and join us for a night of astronomy. Ranger Paul Terry will discuss the night sky and we will have telescopes set up for viewing the heavens. This is a clear weather event and may be canceled due to rain or heavy cloud cover. If you have a telescope feel free to bring it. No pets please.
Unless you have someone with true mobility issues, we ask that you park in the first parking lot when you enter area (the lot West of the Bathhouse) then walk over to the program area in the East lot. We hope this will help prevent people being blinded by headlights as people leave.
***PLEASE NOTE!!! We have had some issues with times posted for some of our events recently. The start time for this event is 8:00PM. If you wish to attend the event, we suggest showing up at or before the posted start time rather than towards the end. We will only stay as long as there are guests. We can not guarantee that the event will last for the entire listed duration or that we will even be present. The park closes at 8:00PM, which includes the beach. We have permission to use the property specifically for this event and only for this event. This is not an open invitation to go to the beach. If you are there after 8:00PM and not attending the event, you will be asked to leave or rejoin the party by park staff. Thank you!!!***